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US Warehouse 162cm Fat Chubby Femei Sex Dolls pentru bărbați cu sân mare Șold imens High Premium TPE Sex Doll

$1,200.00 $738.00 ECONOMISITI 39%

Această păpușă se află în depozitul din SUA, fără taxe, nu acceptă personalizarea!

După primirea comenzii, păpușa va fi expediată din SUA, iar timpul de livrare va fi de 3-5 zile.

Înălţime: 162 cm Chubby. Culoarea pielii: Tan ușor. Funcție: Jelly Piept, picioare în picioare.


Înălțime: 162cm
Bust 100cm
Talie 66cm
Solduri 110cm
Adancimea vaginului 18cm
Adâncime anală 16cm
Adâncimea gurii 13cm
Greutatea păpuşilor 52kg

Pachetul confidențial

Accesorii în interiorul cutie de carton: Pătură, Pământ, perucă, pieptene, curățător vagin, mănușă, instrucție, Încălzitor USB, 1 buc pe fiecare.


Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Claus Nielsen

OMFG been waiting soo long and masturbate soo many times too the idea of me one day maybe ONE DAY my stepmom would walked in on me AND SHE FINELY DID OMG SHE FUUUUCKING DID AND almost immediately drop down on my knees behind her HUGE BIG PERFEKT MOM BUM Rip her panties Apart and before she even said a word my young boy face was buried deep between those huge greasy bottocks yummy yummy OMG.......IRL i sometimes thinking about using some of those sleeping pills in my mom room and the more day months and years goes im getting more more more desperate...FUCK IT sorry Guys im going to do it next time maybe all ready tonight cus mom is working late then having all the time too crush some pill into her Water Haha yes sorry mom BUT NOW I DONT CARE ANYMORE if it whount happen with mom then im even more sorry cus then it going to be my KINDERGARTEN SISTER sorry 5-6-7 or 30 yrs old FONT CARE IM DESPERATE

Joel Lombard

This is a very good quality doll, to be honest, it even exceeded my expectations at this price, thank you, JD, you are really great!

Hello my dear friend, really appreciate for your review, wish you have a happy life! ^&^

US Warehouse 162cm Fat Chubby Femei Sex Dolls pentru bărbați cu sân mare Șold imens High Premium TPE Sex Doll
US Warehouse 162cm Fat Chubby Femei Sex Dolls pentru bărbați cu sân mare Șold imens High Premium TPE Sex Doll
$1,200.00 $738.00