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EU Warehouse Tan Skin Big Breast Sexy Doll Pełny szkielet medyczny TPE Realistyczne tanie lalki erotyczne dla mężczyzn

$710.00 $538.00 OSZCZĘDZAJ 24 %
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Ta lalka znajduje się w magazynie UE, nie obsługuje personalizacji!

Po otrzymaniu zamówienia lalka zostanie wysłana z Niemiec, obejmuje koszty wysyłki i wszystkie podatki itp., Czas wysyłki wynosi 3-7 dni, dostawa UPS.

Kraje dostawy: Austria, Belgia, Bułgaria, Cypr, Chorwacja, Czechy, Dania, Estonia, Finlandia, Francja, Niemcy, Grecja, Węgry, Irlandia, Włochy, Łotwa, Litwa, Luksemburg, Malta, Holandia, Polska, Portugalia, Rumunia, Słowacja, Słowenia, Hiszpania, Szwecja.

Wysokość: 150cm Kolor skóry: Tan. Funkcja: Stojące stopy.


Popiersie 77cm
Talia 50cm
Biodra 78cm
Głębokość pochwy 18cm
Głębokość odbytu 16cm
Głębokość ust 13cm
Waga lalki 26kg

Pakiet poufny

Akcesoria w pudełku kartonowym: koc, ściereczka, peruka, grzebień, środek do czyszczenia pochwy, rękawiczka, instrukcja, podgrzewacz USB, 1 szt.


Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Good proposal, it also inspires sympathy.

ITA - Considerando che ci sono realizzazioni ben più evolute, ma ad altri prezzi (e comunque siamo al medioevo in questo campo, per ora aspetterei che l'AI faccia il suo corso), questa "ragazza" è un'ottima proposta, che non deluderà (se non siamo già delusi da noi stessi...), perché ha un bel viso, un bel peso ed è ben disegnata più in basso. Potrei dire che con un girovita maggiore (e braccia e gambe più spesse) sarebbe stata ancora più realistica.
Sotto i 148 cm non sono reali, come pure altre mutilate proposte!
Il "kit" di pulizia con clistere non serve a nulla, meglio lavare a mano, in una doccia. Utile il riscaldatore 5v usb e carina l'idea della coperta.
Unico difetto: le ciglia si staccano facilmente.
Nei limiti di tutto, ispira anche simpatia.

ENG - Considering that there are much more advanced creations, but at other prices (and in any case we are in the Middle Ages in this field, for now I would wait for the AI to run its course), this "girl" is an excellent proposal, which will not disappoint (if we are not already disappointed in ourselves...), because she has a beautiful face, a nice weight and is well designed further down. I could tell that with a bigger waist (and thicker arms and legs) it would have been even more realistic.
Under 148cm they are not real, as well as other mutilated proposals
The enema cleaning "kit" is useless, better to wash by hand, in a shower. The 5v usb heater is useful and the blanket idea is nice. Only flaw: the lashes come off easily.
Within the limits of everything, it also inspires sympathy.

Hello my dear friend, really appreciate for your review, wish you have a happy life! ^&^

Jean Yves
perfect doll

fast delivery, realistic, I really like it

Może Ci się spodobać

EU Warehouse Tan Skin Big Breast Sexy Doll Pełny szkielet medyczny TPE Realistyczne tanie lalki erotyczne dla mężczyzn
EU Warehouse Tan Skin Big Breast Sexy Doll Pełny szkielet medyczny TPE Realistyczne tanie lalki erotyczne dla mężczyzn
$710.00 $538.00